
[CodeCanyon] phpSound - Music Sharing Platform 1.1.5

Тема в разделе "Программы, скрипты"

3500 руб
254 руб

Список участников складчины:

1. БаракОбама
  1. БаракОбама Организатор складчин

    [CodeCanyon] phpSound - Music Sharing Platform 1.1.5

    User Features:
    Stream (Page): displays tracks uploaded by friends, online friends, friends suggestions and more.
    Explore (Page): allows the users to explore recently uploaded track based on categories.
    Profile (Page): displays the user profiles along with the quick access to their public uploaded tracks, playlists, likes and friends.
    Statistics: Track statistics such as Plays, Likes, Comments, Downloads, and more advanced statistics such as Top Countries, Top Cities, Most Played, Most commented, Most liked and more…
    Messages (Page): Displays your friends based on their last activity, showing both online and offline friends.
    Likes: shows all the likes you made on tracks.
    Share: allows you to share the music via Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, Email and via direct link.
    Embedding: allows you to embed the music player into websites (example).
    Licensing: It supports both Creative Commons and All copyright reserved.
    Playlists: Create unlimited playlists and organize your tracks.
    Pro Accounts: have more features such as pro badge, more upload space, etc
    Notifications Center: Get notifications (red notification with counter) from your friends when they: Like, Comment, Chat and on new Subscribers.
    Block: Users can block other users preventing them from chatting with each other.
    Profile Privacy: Public (everyone can see the profile), Semi-Private (only friends can see the page), Private only you can see the profile.
    Track Privacy: Public (available for public and semi-private profiles), Private (available only to the author).
    Online Privacy: Appear Online (when available) or Always Offline.
    Report: DMCA implementation for Tracks and report abusive Comments.

    Современный музыкальный портал.
    При покупке, предлагается локализация на русский язык.

    Сразу предупреждаю-перевести полностью на русский самому будет невозможным!

    Скрытый текст. Доступен только зарегистрированным пользователям.Нажмите, чтобы раскрыть...
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